Allport-Bigler-Woodland WorkcampFor all who have been anxiously awaiting another opportunity to serve, we offer a great opportunity from August 19 – 24, 2012. This is the first of what we hope will be an annual experience of helping those with need in Allport-Bigler-Woodland area of Clearfield Country. Our goal is to provide a faithful witness for Jesus Christ while creating opportunities for individuals and congregations to work cooperatively. With so many talented and skilled individuals who long to make an impact in our world for Jesus Christ, this is your opportunity.
We hope to serve the elderly, homebound, and economically struggling of the community. As the economy tightens our belts, many can afford supplies but are extremely thankful for a helping hand to accomplish many minor tasks. More than merely completing home repair projects, our hope is to create joy and fellowship with those whom we serve. Please view the documents listed to the right for more information, or contact: Calvary U.M.Church Attn: Rev. Jeffrey Fisher 4700 Locust Lane, Harrisburg, PA 17109 (717) 545-0021 Email: [email protected] |